On Saturday, we had my Baptism at Annunciation Church (that is where Mommy and Daddy got married). My Godmother is Aunt Carolyn and my Godfather is Uncle Jason. We went back to Grandpa and Grandma Fidler's for dinner, cake, and presents. Oh yeah, I got to play my first game of LRC too! Check out the fun we had!
All ready!
Ohh...that feels nice!
I'm Official!
Godparents, Parents, Fr. Patrick, and Me
Becker Family
Fidler Family
Great-Grandma Becker and Me with the blanket she made me!
My pretty Irish gown!
Gracie loved my joke!
No touching my cake people!
Aunt Kathy causing trouble!
Hanging out with G. Becker!
Is all this money for me?
Party getting out of control!
I think Uncle Jason needs to go to bed!